Creativity in automation
Elmont S.r.l. is a firm expert in the design, construction and installation of custom-made systems,
able to automate process such as ultrasonic welding, clinching, bending, shearing, wrapping and assembly.

Manufacturing from scratch.
Through fundamental steps we analyze the production model identifying critical issues and supplying optimal solutions to best implementation of processes.
Il valore aggiunto è la progettazionThe design and engineering of "turnkey" automatic, semi-automatic and manual systems is the added value of our service, combined with staff training and start-up activities.
Analysis, problem solving and lean R&D.
Elmont turn R&D results, coming from cooperation with universities and outsourcing engineering and systems authorities, into innovation on production methods, thanks the application of unprecedented solutions is able to build more efficient alternatives to extensive problems, such as Ultrasonic-welding of composite materials.
With a wide know-how the R&D approach of Elmont is unique to every customer, which combined with a ductile, lean and flexible attitude make us capable of adapting to need on timing and budgets of the client to manufacturing of the best performing production lines.
Elmont: Why?
Choose Elmont means relying with a partner able to apply the most advanced technologies to a specific customer needs through tailor-made solutions.
Experience and innovation
in a Structured Organization.
Thanks to the ability to establish close relationship with interlocutors, Elmont grown over the years through acquisitions and creation of new realities.
The awareness on the value of a vertical know-how in specific sectors has recently led the acquisition by Elmont Group of EFFE-GI Srl, firm specialized in CNC lines, testing lines and automation.
At the same time, the continuos research path, led to the foundation of start-up Innoventa, firm engaged in R&D of new industrial products and production lines both under mechanical-electronic and software side, Elmont have also an active role in application of technologies coming from the aerospace sector throug a close cooperation with specialized organizations.
Our strengths.
Offer plants, machines or production lines to optimize assembly and testing cycles in full compliance with process safety.
Reduces investment costs maintaining the best ratio between product quality and competitive price.
Empower efficiency on production process monitoring and control based on final product features.
Provide optimal training on technological on automation innovations.
Punctuality in data delivery times.
Build reliable, long-lasting cooperations and relationships.